Duane Dammeyer


My work is shaped by a combination of education, life events and artistic influences. I received an engineering degree from the University of Cincinnati and studied art at Ventura College. Stone sculptor and teacher Ellis Jump has been a major inspiration. Engineering influences the geometric forms such as triangles, cubes and spheres that are seen in many of my pieces. Construction and stone masonry experience contribute to design and composition as shown through the integration of different stones into a single piece. Nature inspires the organic and fluid forms often seen in my work.

I take two approaches to my work. At times the stone
dictates the final form. In these cases, I let the natural
beauty and color of the stone dominate the piece, using
subtle shape and negative space in attempting to enhance
what is hidden within. Other times, a shape or shapes
may be imposed upon the stone — form and construction
dominating. I shape each stone using power tools or hand chisels, further shaping with diamond burrs or rasps, and polishing with ever-finer grit sanding materials. My hands caress the stone many times during the creation of each sculpture, making each piece a very personal, one-of-a-kind sculpture.

With each sculpture I create, I attempt to generate, in the viewer, an emotional connection with the work. People often are influenced differently viewing the same piece of my art and learning these connections continues my creative process. The finished piece is a give and take between the artist and the stone as interpreted through the eyes and emotions of the viewer.

-Duane Dammeyer DuaneDem2